Don’t hesitate to get in touch.

If you’d like to discuss or find out more about our services please get in touch for a free, friendly, and confidential chat. We’d love to hear from you and answer your questions.

For all referrals and/or enquiries please contact:

For all Supervision Enquiries please contact:

For all existing business please contact:

Katherine Baskerville
Chief Operations Officer

Sarah Wakeling
Chief Executive Officer
07908 958 425

A message from the UK-SBA

The UK Society for Behaviour Analysis (UK-SBA) would like to encourage anyone with questions, comments or concerns regarding Behaviour Analysis practice (often known as ABA/PBS) in the UK to contact them at admin@uk-sba.org. We would particularly like to hear from people who receive, or have received, services, or who identify as autistic.

The UK-SBA is passionate about ensuring practice in the UK is values-led, person-centred and collaborative, and that it is undertaken with the consent or assent of each individual. The Society continually strives to ensure it meets the needs of those it serves. 

All feedback will be gratefully received by the UK-SBA’s Public Protection and Benefit Committee and will be reviewed by an Independent Expert Advisory Group. This new independent and external group will review resulting proposed actions and agree or suggest alternatives. Your valuable input will help to ensure practice continues to evolve positively here in the UK.  

If you would like to become even more involved and join our Independent Expert Advisory Group, the UK-SBA would love to hear from you.