For many years, we have supervised and supported professionals working in the field of Applied Behaviour Analysis and Positive Behaviour Support. 

We believe that our role is to pass on our real-world expertise and help others to develop skills and knowledge through tailored supervision and mentorship. 

Positive Support Group’s supervising Behaviour Analysts have completed their supervision curriculum requirements and are supported by a robust internal supervision system, led by Positive Support Group’s Clinical Lead. This ensures that our clinical mentorship and supervision processes are of the highest quality.  

We aim to support our supervisees and mentees to enhance their knowledge and technical skills but also to develop and maintain key ‘soft skills’ including (but not limited to) communication and interpersonal skills, rapport building, critical thinking and problem-solving.



We provide clinical support to:

  • Students and professionals working towards BCBA, BCaBA and RBT accreditation or working towards PBS qualifications (e.g. BTEC)

  • PBS/ABA practitioners who are not pursuing any formal qualifications but are in need of ongoing clinical mentorship from an experienced Behaviour Analyst

  • Qualified professionals seeking support in new areas of competence



We provide a variety of support packages based on the individual needs of our supervisees and mentees.

Our packages include:

Individual Meetings: are provided on a one-to- basis with a supervising Behaviour Analyst and present a safe space for reflecting on complex cases, developing new knowledge and shaping ethical practice.

Group Supervision: an experience that allows graduates opportunities for peer feedback, public speaking and engaging in productive discussions while under the supervision of a Behaviour Analyst.

Learning Lunch: a great way to network and participate in PBSC’s cultural life of learning and continuing professional development (including earning CEUs/ CPD hours) whilst we all eat lunch together on Microsoft Teams. Learning Lunches are held every third Friday of the month starting at 12.30 however recordings are available for those who have not been able to attend live meetings.

Indirect Support: provided in addition to individual meetings and can involve activities such as creating data collection systems, reviewing written plans and reports, summarising and analysing data, developing interventions and training, debriefing incidents and discussing reactive support.

Access to PBSC templates: our supervisees and mentees will get access to a variety of data collection systems, BSP and FBA templates, research articles and many, many more!



Visit our online learning platform where you can access our CEU events.


For more information about our External Supervision Offer, please contact:


We are looking forward to hearing from you!


ACE Logo

PBSC is proud to share that we are a BACB-approved Authorized Continuing Education (ACE) Provider. We host monthly online events for our staff and external professionals and recordings of the sessions are available afterwards.

Attendees of our webinars can earn Continuing Education Units / Continuing Professional Development hours.

We offer subscriptions for individual webinars as well as discounted subscription bundles.


For more information about our webinars, please contact:



Positive Support Group have a range of options available to meet the needs of those we hope to support. We would love it if you could please pass along this informational video to any current or former attendees. 

“Positive Support Group provided clinical supervision to me at a London social care provider, helping me through some difficult client issues. I found Sarah to be encouraging and knowledgeable, and I would highly recommend her for effective clinical supervision.”

— PBS professional supported by Positive Support Group