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The Education Service restarted in November 2022 to help educational establishments integrate a PBS approach into their curriculum. PBSC were commissioned to merge as part of the education staff team and understand the needs of a multilevel approach, including individual, classroom and school/college-wide support.

An integral part of our role has been assessing the readiness of classrooms and campuses to integrate a PBS model and where the most support is required. We currently work across campuses, collaborating with staff at each campus to identify the areas which require the most support. Based on the areas identified, we use a modified version of the 5-stage model that is tailored to suit the identified goal.  

The Education Service also aims to upskill those working in an educational setting on aspects of PBS. PBSC uses behaviour skills training with elected staff members, by providing training and guidance on how they can implement PBS strategies in their classroom and promote these strategies campus-wide. These staff will then work to upskill staff in their classroom.

The education role includes:

  • Working collaboratively with lecturers, learning support assistants and other staff

  • Gaining an understanding of students’ engagement in behaviours of concern through the development of a functional behaviour assessment

  • Providing training to staff team on aspects of PBS e.g., functions of behaviour

  • Developing resources that can be used across campuses e.g., fidelity checklists for new staff members

    Meetings with individual lecturers to help implement proactive strategies in the classroom

  • Assist with the development and modifications to behaviour support plans


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