Support and resources for Ukrainians.

PBSC staff are in support of Ukraine and have created these resources to help Ukrainian people as they adapt to their new lives.


What is Autism? (First person)

What is Autism? (Parents and carers)

Dos and don’ts

Practical support

Annual health checks

Health action plan

Hospital passport


Ice breaker activities

Physical environment for refugees

Understanding trauma

Useful images – English > Ukrainian


Basic emotions



Food and cooking


Rooms of the house


Snacks and sweets

Timetable planners v1

Timetable planners v2


PBSC staff and management are eager to provide any support possible to refugees fleeing the war in the Ukraine. PBSC has collated some resources that may help those families and individuals who have offered their homes for refuges in the UK gain a greater understanding of the needs of those fleeing the Ukraine. PBSC do not claim that these resources are exhaustive, personalised or appropriate to any individual refugee (with or without a diagnosis of autism).